Intro to DApp Maker
Toolblox DApp Maker is in ALPHA state - many features are not yet finalized. Use it at your own volition.
DApp Maker features
DApp Maker allows to design applications which work on top of smart contracts. Smart contracts provide the storage and logic, blockchain provides the runtime and DApp provides the user interface.
This means that in order to use the Toolblox DApp Maker, Workflows must first be built beforehand. Check Contract Maker for more info.
Combining workflows
While Toolblox generates a simple user interface to test each Workflow separately, the DApp Maker allows to use many Workflows in one application. To add workflows into the DApp just use the search tool:
DApps are fully customizable to your needs. Whether the application is intended for in-house use, for customers or partners, it needs to feel relevant and trustworthy.
Further customization options are under active development - feel free to contact us at with your customization needs.
Intro to basic customizability: